HomeNewsJill Biden, the first lady, aims to use Chicago's union backing for...

Jill Biden, the first lady, aims to use Chicago’s union backing for her husband’s reelection and “Bidenomics”

In CHICAGO, To gain support for her husband’s “Bidenomics” stimulus programs from Chicago’s labor unions and appeal to voters who continue to be unsatisfied with the president’s performance in large part owing to their concerns about the country’s economy, first lady Jill Biden utilized the event on Wednesday.

Hello, my name is Jill Biden. I am the First Lady of the United States. The first lady, a community college instructor, gave a six-minute speech to hundreds of labor leaders gathered at a McCormick Place outdoor banquet overlooking Lake Michigan. She also declared herself a proud card-carrying union member.

She used President Joe Biden’s term for his “Bidenomics” idea, “unions are at the center of Joe’s need to build our economy from the bottom up and the middle out,” in her remarks. “You are the foundation of this nation.”

The White House has attempted to tout the economic successes of initiatives related to infrastructure, clean air, computer chip research, and other manufacturing to try to counter sluggish job approval ratings among an electorate still feeling the effects of inflation since her husband introduced the “Bidenomics” theme at an event on June 28 at the Old Post Office in Chicago.

Hopefully, by this point, you’ve heard of “Bidenomics,” she said. Joe’s vision has revolutionized our economy. Produced more than 13 million employment. low unemployment of 4%.

President Biden has deliberately courted labor support throughout his political career, and it is a critical ally in his bid for reelection next year.

Jill Biden, the first lady, aims to use Chicago's union backing for her husband's reelection and "Bidenomics"
Jill Biden, the first lady, aims to use Chicago’s union backing for her husband’s reelection and “Bidenomics”

“To us, data like unemployment rates and the creation of new jobs are more than just facts. They stand for individuals, families like mine, yours, or even Joe’s when he was still a child, Jill Biden remarked.

“President Biden and I understand the middle class because we are from the middle class, and unions built the middle class,” the woman said. “That’s why Joey is fighting for unions: so that workers can fight for what they need—better pay, safer working conditions, flexibility, and healthcare.”

The election of union activist Brandon Johnson as mayor, voter approval of a state constitutional amendment enshrining the right to organize, and the city’s history in the labor movement, which helped Chicago win the Democratic National Convention the following year, were among the victories for organized labor over the previous year cited by Reiter.

Jill Biden’s visit was the most recent in a string of travels taken by various officials supported by the White House over the previous two months, and it was her first trip to the region since she paid a visit to Rolling Meadows High School in November.

She left the Indianapolis region on Wednesday as part of a back-to-school trip, and after spending the night in Chicago, she will go to Madison, Wisconsin, on Thursday for a cancer prevention event.



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