Breaking: Michigan Dems' First Hearing on 'Reproductive Health Act

During the first parliamentary hearing on measures that would abolish rules that supporters of abortion rights claim place onerous hurdles on patients and facilities 

Democratic lawmakers wanting to pass a "Reproductive Health Act" in Michigan that aims to remove laws targeting abortion handed physicians the microphone.

The session was opened by state representative Laurie Pohutsky, a Democrat from Livonia, who said that such regulations were created by legislators without taking the needs of individuals seeking abortions into account.  

Several obstetricians and gynecologists spoke before the House Committee on Health Policy, calling the existing regulations medically unnecessary and urging Congress to repeal them.  

When asked if other procedures outside abortion required a 24-hour disclosure and waiting time, one said that Michigan law makes a distinction between them.

An informed consent form must be filled out and printed 24 hours before the operation in Michigan for people seeking abortions. Reviewing things like parental advice is part of the process.

OBGYNs who testified on Thursday claimed they've had to turn away patients because they only had time for one visit to a clinic or didn't have a printer to fill out the form.  

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